Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

  • 2

    Kick Boxing

    • Straight Punching

    • Hook Punch

    • Cross Punch

    • Front Kick

    • Round Kick

    • Kickboxing Form

  • 3

    Close Quarter

    • Upward Elbow

    • Downward Elbow

    • Round Elbow

    • Front Knee

    • Round Knee

    • Close Quarter Form

    • Intercepting Hand & Other Applications

  • 4

    Locking Form

    • Locking Form

  • 5

    Power Hands

  • 6

    Throwing Form

    • Throwing Form

  • 7

    16 Gates

    • Pushing Hands

    • Point Striking

    • Leg Defences

    • 16 Gates Form

  • 8

    13 Hands

    • 13 Hands & Applications

    • 13 Hands Form

  • 9


    • Circles

  • 10


    • Sanchin

  • 11


    • Tensho

  • 12

    Freestyle Push hands

    • Freestyle Push hands

    • Chief Instructor 2007 Combat Locks and Push hands

  • 13


    • Naihanchi Slow In Sections

    • Naihanchi Form Slow

    • Naihanchi Form Fast

  • 14


    • Breakdown Of Different Parts Of Taiki

    • Taiki Form