Life-skills & Philosophies
Lots of information, activities and work sheets to help reinforce and develop those all-important life-skills such as: - Respect - Concentration - Confidence - Stranger Danger - Team work & more!
Showing respect
What is Focus?
Demonstrate Focus
Focus & Discipline
What is Fitness?
Why is fitness important?
What are Emotions?
Recognising your Emotions
Ant philosophy 1
Any philosophy 2
Ant philosophy 3
Ant philosophy 4
Story of Egor & Ivan
Why does a farmer.....
Life lesson from Genghis Khan's mum
Life lesson from Genghis Khan's mum
White Belt Philosophy & challenge
Purple Belt Philosophy & challenge
Yellow Belt Philosophy & challenge
White Belt Philosophy & challenge
Purple Belt Philosophy & challenge
Yellow Belt Philosophy & challenge
White - Black Belt Philosophies
The importance of the "Red Tag"
White or Purple-stripe belt: Meaning of the 3 Rules of Concentration & 100 Times Theory
White or Purple-stripe Belt: 3 Rules of Concentration (homework sheet)
Purple Belt: Meaning of the 4 Areas of Mental Focus
Purple Belt: 4 Areas of Mental Focus (homework sheet)
Yellow Belt: Meaning of the Black Belt Success Cycle
Yellow Belt: Black Belt Success Cycle (homework sheet)
Orange Belt: Meaning of the 6 Principles of a Black Belt
Orange Belt: Principles of a Black Belt (homework sheet)
Green Belt: Meaning of P.A.S.S.E.D.
Green Belt: P.A.S.S.E.D. (homework sheet)
Brown Belt: Meaning of The Olympic Theory
Brown Belt: The Olympic Theory (homework sheet)
Brown-stripe Belt: Meaning of The Two Qualities of a Champion
Brown-stripe Belt: The Two Qualities of a Champion (homework sheet)
Blue Belt: Meaning of The Biggest Room in the World
Blue Belt: The Biggest Room in the World (homework sheet)
Red-stripe Belt: Meaning of The ABC of Conflict Avoidance
Red-stripe Belt: ABC of Conflict Avoidance (homework sheet)
Red Belt: 5 Ways of Attack (homework sheet)
All philosophies
Junior Student Creed
Adult Student Creed