Martial Arts live class videos (all age groups)
View some of our live classes for Mighty Matts (3-6yrs), Juniors (7-11yrs) and Adults (12yrs+).
Live with Mr Kelly - 24th March
Live with Master Finch - 24th March
Live with Master James - 24th March
Live with Mr Kelly - 25th March
Live with Master James - 25th March
Live with Mr Kelly - 26th March
Live with Master Finch - 26th March
Live with Master James - 26th March
Live with Mr Kelly - 27th March
Live with Mr Kelly - 28th March
Live with Master Finch - 28th March
Live with Mr Kelly - 30th March
Live with Mrs Fear - 30th March
Live with Master Finch - 31st March
Live with Mr Kelly - 31st March
Live with Master James - 1st April
Live with Mr Kelly - 1st April
Live with Mrs Fear - 1st April
Live with Master Finch - 2nd April
Live with Mr Kelly - 2nd April
Live with Mrs Fear - 2nd April
Live with Master James - 2nd April
Live with Mr Kelly - 3rd April
Live with Master Finch - 4th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 4th April
Live with Mrs Fear - 4th April
Live with Master James - 5th April
Live with Master James - 6th April
Live with Master Finch - 7th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 7th April
Live with Master Finch - 9th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 9th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 10th April
Live with Mrs Fear - 10th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 11th April
Live with Mr Levermore - 11th April
Live with Mrs Fear - 12th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 14th April
Live with Master Finch - 14th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 15th April
Live with Master Finch - 16th April
Live with Master James - 15th April
Live with Master James - 16th April
Live with Master Finch - 18th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 16th April
Live with Miss Day- 18th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 18th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 20th April
Live with Mrs Fear - 20th April
Live with Master Finch - 21st April
Live with Mrs Fear - 21st April
Live with Mr Kelly - 21st April
Live with Mr Kelly - 22nd April
Live with Master Finch - 23rd April
Live with Mr Kelly - 24th April
Live with Mr Levermore - 25th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 27th April
Live with Master Finch - 28th April
Live with Mrs Fear - 28th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 29th April
Live with Master James - 29th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 30th April
Live with Master James - 30th April
Live with Master Finch - 30th April
Live with Mrs Fear - 2nd May
Live with Mr Levermore - 2nd May
Live with Master Finch - 5th May
Live with Mr Kelly - 5th May
Live with Mrs Fear - 5th May
Live with Mr Kelly - 6th May
Live with Master Finch - 7th May
Live with Mr Levermore - 9th May
Live with Mrs Fear - 9th May
Live with Mr Kelly - 11th May
Live with Master Finch - 12th May
Live with Team Fear - 12th May
Live with Master Finch - 14th May
Live with Mr Levermore - 16th May
Live with Team Fear - 16th May
Live with Mr Levermore - 19th May
Live with Mr Levermore - 23rd May
Live with Team Fear - 23rd May
Live with Mr Levermore - 30th May
Live with Mr Levermore - 6th June
Live with Mr Levermore - 20th June
Live with Mr Levermore - 27th June
Live with Mr Kelly - 23rd March
Live with Master Finch - 24th March
Live with Mr Kelly - 24th March
Live with Master James - 24th March
Live with Mr Kelly - 25th March
Live with Master James - 25th March
Live with Master James - 26th March
Live with Mr Kelly - 28th March
Live with Mrs Fear - 30th March
Live with Master Finch - 31st March
Live with Master Finch - 31st March
Live with Master James - 1st April
Live with Mr Kelly - 1st April
Live with Mrs Fear - 1st April
Live with Master Finch - 2nd April
Live with Mr Kelly - 2nd April
Live with Mrs Fear - 2nd April
Live with Master James - 2nd April (Juniors)
Live with Master Finch - 4th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 4th April
Live with Master James - 2nd April (Adults)
Live with Mrs Fear - 4th April (Ladies & Adults)
Live with Mrs Fear - 4th April (Juniors)
Live with Master James - 5th April
Live with Master James - 6th April
Live with Master Finch - 7th April
Live with Master Finch - 9th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 9th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 11th April
Live with Mr Levermore - 11th April
Live with Mrs Fear - 11th April (Juniors / Adults / Ladies)
Live with Mrs Fear - 12th April
Live with Mrs Fear - 10th April (Juniors)
Live with Mr Kelly - 14th April
Live with Master Finch - 14th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 15th April
Live with Master James - 15th April (family class)
Live with Master Finch - 16th April
Live with Master James - 16th April (Juniors)
Live with Master James - 16th April (Adults)
Live with Master Finch - 18th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 16th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 17th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 18th April
Live with Master Finch - 21st April
Live with Mrs Fear - 20th April
Live with Mrs Fear - 21st April (Juniors / Adults / Ladies)
Live with Mrs Fear - 21st April (Juniors)
Live with Mrs Fear - 21st April (Juniors / Adults / Ladies)
Live with Mr Kelly - 21st April
Live with Mr Kelly - 22nd April
Live with Master Finch - 23rd April
Live with Mr Levermore - 25th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 24th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 27th April
Live with Master Finch - 28th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 28th April
Live with Mrs Fear - 28th April
Live with Mr Kelly - 29th April
Live with Master James - 29th April (Family)
Live with Mr Kelly - 30th April
Live with Master James - 30th April (Juniors)
Live with Master Finch - 30th April
Live with Master James - 30th April (Adults)
Live with Mrs Fear - 2nd May (Juniors)
Live with Mrs Fear - 2nd May (Ladies and Adults)
Live with Mr Levermore - 2nd May
Live with Master Finch - 5th May
Live with Mrs Fear - 5th May (Juniors / Ladies / Adults)
Live with Master Finch - 7th May
Live with Mr Levermore - 9th May
Live with Mrs Fear - 9th May (Ladies / Adults)
Live with Mrs Fear - 9th May (Juniors)
Live with Mr Kelly - 11th May
Live with Team Fear - 12th May (Juniors & Adults)
Live with Master Finch - 12th May
Live with Master Finch - 14th May
Live with Mr Levermore - 16th May
Live with Team Fear - 16th May (Ladies & Adults)
Live with Mr Levermore - 19th May
Live with Mr Levermore - 23rd May
Live with Team Fear - 23rd May (Ladies / Adults)
Live with Mr Levermore - 30th May
Live with Mr Levermore - 6th June
Live with Mr Levermore - Juniors & Adults (20th June)
Live with Mr Levermore - Juniors & Adults (27th June)
Live with Master James - breakdown of form 1
Live with Mr Kelly - 2nd April
Live with Master James - Hand Drills and Form 2 breakdown
Live with Master James - Form 3